
About Andrea Palm-Porter

Palm-Porter’s career trajectory is impressive, with over 25 years’ experience driving strategic growth through strong leadership and relationships. She’s has worked in a multi-million dollar media organization, retail industry, and currently in the non-profit & leadership industry as the Executive Director of Roaring Fork Leadership. She attended the University of Eau Claire in Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing – including a leadership curriculum. She is known for being able to grow revenue, be innovative, develop relationships, facilitate, define and drive product development, create awareness and execute projects with ease. A graduate and former board member of the Vail Leadership Institute, an alumnus of the American Leadership Forum, and an Alumnus of the RFL Academy, Andrea is passionate about leadership as her personal mission is building a community of leaders. As she puts it, “A community of skilled & thoughtful leaders is a thriving & innovative community.”

Workforce Vitality


There is a need for upskilling, reskilling, onboarding, and rebounding training to ensure a vital workforce.  Employers directly benefit from investing in their employees through education, training, and development. Additionally, investing in staff results in increased productivity, engagement, and organizational success. Our rural Colorado workforce has changed over the past two years with more remote workers, up to five generations working in the workforce, globalization, high housing prices, lack of affordable housing, and lack of child care options or cost. There are pockets of progress and innovative ideas on these issues, although we continue to struggle. Roaring Fork Leadership (RFL), [...]

Workforce Vitality2022-06-15T07:14:39-06:00

Alumni Highlight – Julie Warren


Q & A with Julie Warren, RFL Academy 2013 Alumni In 2019, Julie Warren suffered the devastating loss of her 16-year-old daughter, Anna, after a three-year battle with Ewing’s Sarcoma. That year she started the ALC Foundation to honor her daughter by raising money for organizations that support families fighting pediatric cancer. As the Chief Marketing Officer for the River Valley Ranch Golf Course and co-owner with her husband, Red Cunningham, of the Homestead Bar & Grill in Carbondale, Warren came to RFL Academy 2013 hoping to improve her management and leadership skills, with the goal of building better a [...]

Alumni Highlight – Julie Warren2022-05-18T11:32:17-06:00

RFL Academy is Transformational! RFL Academy 2019, Meg Plumb


"I remember during our first weekend of RFL being both intimidated and empowered that Greg asked us to name our leadership program. I appreciate that the exercise both challenged us to be self-aware but also to set a tone for our journey through RFL. I named my program “collaborative leadership”. The civic project team experience has been a great opportunity to experiment with collaborative leadership, apply each month’s new lessons and expand my capacity as a leader. I have focused on practicing integrity, working with a team with diverse styles, exercising emotional intelligence, and servant leadership. My team has given me [...]

RFL Academy is Transformational! RFL Academy 2019, Meg Plumb2022-04-28T10:22:14-06:00

Leaders Wanted to Shape our Future


                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Leaders Wanted to Shape our Future: Roaring Fork Leadership is Accepting Applications for RFL Academy 2021  Aspen, CO (May 14, 2020) – The most important factor going forward in today’s COVID-19 environment is leadership and developing community leaders. That is why it's more important than ever before for RFL to continue to prepare those who will shape our communities and our world. The Roaring Fork Valley’s foremost leadership and professional development program, Roaring Fork Leadership (RFL) is now accepting applications for their annual leadership program, RFL Academy 2021.    The annual RFL Academy entails [...]

Leaders Wanted to Shape our Future2021-03-15T11:54:16-06:00

Empathy…a lost skill?


Empathy……a lost skill. by Andrea Palm-Porter   Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) has more impact on one’s success in life compared to IQ. Developing your EQ is one of the most important skills to have as a human being and successful leader. To top this off, 72 percent of business leaders are stating the need for more empathy in their organization for sustainable business success in today’s workplace. To that end, we need more empathy and people willing to be vulnerable in our organizations, with each other, and on our planet. At our February RFL Academy session, the topic was Emotional [...]

Empathy…a lost skill?2022-04-21T07:21:44-06:00

RFL Civic Project Opportunity for Alumni


Your Community Needs YOU!  Use your unique leadership skill set to connect with your community! RFL has seven amazing civic project ideas that will give you the opportunity to help them enact tramendous change throughout the valley. If you want to be apart of an RFL Alumni Civic Project Team let us know - with enough interest this effort could help support more local intiatives! To sign up for any of these civic project ideas - click here! Safe Drive/Imagine Glenwood: Help us develop a strategic plan including a media campaign to slow and control traffic to the [...]

RFL Civic Project Opportunity for Alumni2019-11-15T13:25:16-07:00

RFL in Action (and in Africa): Austin Klise


Austin Klise, RFL Academy 2018 Alumni, moved to Africa in 2019 (Sierra Leone). He's pretty far out in the bush and is working with, First Things First, an organization working with locals who have good ideas and want to help themselves and their community. Austin’s work feels similar to his experience working in the RFL civic project team, only now as a full-time job in Africa. Austin shares that it’s been a wild experience applying the RFL lessons in a third world country with a completely different value system, social system, etc. For example, nobody lives as an "individual" everyone is defined by their collective [...]

RFL in Action (and in Africa): Austin Klise2019-07-17T09:02:56-06:00

Meg Plumb, RFL Academy 2019


Where are you originally from? Annapolis, Maryland What brought you to the Roaring Fork Valley and how long have you been here? My job with Design Workshop brought me to the valley and I’ve been here 3.5 years. What was your most interesting or unusual job? My most interesting job was working at Philmont Scout Ranch for 9 seasons. One summer I led a living history homesteading camp complete with an historic turn of the century farmhouse, chickens, burros, a cow and calf, sheep, pigs, a vegetable garden and 100 eager boy scouts everyday to help us with homesteading chores. Why did [...]

Meg Plumb, RFL Academy 20192022-04-28T10:30:16-06:00

Karen McConnell, RFL Academy 2019


Where are you originally from? South central Kansas - three miles from the Oklahoma border. What brought you to the Roaring Fork Valley and how long have you been here? Love of the mountains, the climate, and great lifelong family friends. I have been in the valley for over 2o years. What was your most interesting or unusual job? I worked at a law office in Kansas where I was the attorney's private secretary. He was also the prosecuting county attorney and I assisted in murder trials -- often going in at 5 am before my classes as the community college and [...]

Karen McConnell, RFL Academy 20192022-04-28T10:28:39-06:00

Bryan Ward: Entrepreneur, Coach, and Board Member


What brought you to the Roaring Fork Valley and how long have you been here? After spending 17 years’ flip-flopping back and forth between Boulder and London I was ready for a change so in April of 2017 I moved to Carbondale. What do you currently do professionally? My background is in IT but I’ve always been interested in entrepreneurism so when I moved to Carbondale and I started my own business, Sopris Health & Wellness. What was your most interesting or unusual job? I’ve driven for Uber a few times and while the actual driving was pretty boring the random [...]

Bryan Ward: Entrepreneur, Coach, and Board Member2018-10-16T11:43:14-06:00
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