“I remember during our first weekend of RFL being both intimidated and empowered that Greg asked us to name our leadership program. I appreciate that the exercise both challenged us to be self-aware but also to set a tone for our journey through RFL. I named my program “collaborative leadership”. The civic project team experience has been a great opportunity to experiment with collaborative leadership, apply each month’s new lessons and expand my capacity as a leader. I have focused on practicing integrity, working with a team with diverse styles, exercising emotional intelligence, and servant leadership.

My team has given me the platform to learn to be more assertive, to be a supportive, compassionate team member, to welcome humor to strengthen the group dynamic, to share in successes and struggles, to authentically listen and actively engage. Not only has the civic project team allowed me to practice these skills, but my team members have given me confidence in these areas that have made it possible to better translate these skills at work. I recently interviewed for and received a promotion, in part due to the confidence in my abilities gained through RFL and my relationship with my team.

Alongside this RFL journey of personal growth, I have had the joy of also growing a human and bringing my little girl into the world. Pregnancy and new motherhood has set a tone in my life of EXPANSION. Everything I knew about myself and my world is changing, evolving, growing. I think to grow through our participation in RFL takes intense open mindedness and vulnerability. Having these two experiences aligned in my life has made me an advocate for myself, a better spouse and friend, and a more effective collaborative leader.”