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RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Annie Edgecombe


Wellness The term wellness gets thrown around constantly in these days; but what does it mean to be well? Wellness is an equation unique to you, made up of physical, mental, financial, and spiritual health. Research shows that when people focus on wellness, not only does recovery happen faster, but it lasts longer. Join Annie as she helps you recognize areas of growth in your own personal wellness and how to build a culture of wellness and happiness on a team. Annie Edgecombe is a Program Coordinator with Mind Springs Health, the Western Slope’s largest provider of counseling and therapy for [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Sheri Gaynor


Inner Lead: Resiliency and Emotional Intelligence Through the Way of the Horse Join 2010 RFL graduate Sheri Gaynor, for an exciting live broadcast in the field with horses. Learn what these sentient creatures have to teach us about leading from the heart. You will leave with tools that will support you in accessing a deeper sense of creativity, intuition and authentic leadership, which can be used both personally and professionally, to enhance your sense of resilience and emotional wellbeing. Sheri Gaynor is an Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Advanced Eponaquest Instructor. She is an author of Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Bob McNutt


Everyday Leadership RFL Live: Resiliency Experience program will be a discussion on how to be a leader without doing something amazing or being asked to manage/lead people in the business you work or own business. Talk about how to impact lives of everyone around you in positive way and the effect that will have on our community. Bob McNutt (presenter) spent the last 26 years on an entrepreneurial journey starting several companies. He founded an IT products and services company in 1992. Success came after years of tough lessons, sleepless nights and relentless stress. These challenges led him to join a [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Beth Wolfson


The “First” of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team and What to Do Beth Wolfson is certified to teach and facilitate the groundbreaking work of Dr. Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. His course teaches teams the behaviors to overcome these dysfunctions. Beth will focus on the first dysfunction—lack of trust. This will be an interactive session. Presenter: Beth Wolfson, MA, is the president and founder of Beth Wolfson—Leadership Consulting Services. She is Master Certified in Crucial Conversations and Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. She has taught both these courses for the RFL Academy. Beth works [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Brad Stevenson and Steve Furman


Spark Purpose: How do we create an environment where employees want to come to work and do their best every day? How do we go beyond engagement to create a team of passionate employees? A passionate employee is focused, engaged and committed to consistently performing at their best. They feel strongly about the work they do, knowing that they are making a difference. This results in exceptional value to both internal and external customers. Come learn more about Spark Purpose. Spark Purpose started with the story captured in the film, Peak 6198. A documentary about Steve Furman's journey to attempt an [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Wendy Huber


Living in Uncertain Times: Conflict Management & Cultivating a Resilient Spirit Participants will explore common factors in resilient people focusing on problem solving skills and letting go of powerlessness and numbing as well as cultivating gratitude & joy. Based on the work of Brene' Brown and others. Faculty: E. Wendy Huber is a RFL Graduate; Certified Daring Way Facilitator; university instructor; corporate trainer and has written several text books on conflict management topics (E. Wendy Trachte-Huber). She is trained as an attorney and is ordained as an Episcopal Priest serving St Peters of the Valley Episcopal Church in Basalt Click Here [...]

RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Jessica Travis


In the RFL Live: Resiliency Experience, Jessica Travis will bring a conversation about how we live in a world of comfort and convenience beyond anything experienced by anyone before us. Yet, we suffer more pain (emotional and physical) than ever before. We are less emotionally equipped to “handle” challenge and adversity than our parents and grandparents, despite the fact that we have every technological and seemingly, biological advantage over them. Why are we so soft? What will it take to toughen us up, and why is it imperative that we get stronger in order to truly enjoy our lives? Register in [...]


RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Beatriz Soto


In this RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Beatriz Soto, she'll be leading a conversation about environmental resilience. She is currently the Director for Defiende Nuestra Tierra for Wilderness Workshop whose mission is to protect and conserve the wilderness and natural landscapes of the Roaring Fork Watershed, the White River National Forest, and adjacent public lands. She is a LEED certified architect with 15 years of experience and a focus on green and sustainable design, she has earned professional acknowledgement in both the US and Mexico, offering professional development training for the US Green Building Council and the Mexican Green Building Council [...]


RFL Live: Resilience Experience with Laura Bartels


Laura Bartels will share skills to recognize empathic distress to move into compassion that results in resilience. Laura Bartels is the Executive Director of the Mindful Life Program and is dedicated to helping people to live meaningful lives with attention and intention through practical, accessible and universal skills. Laura’s path has been one of navigating what it means to live consciously and meaningfully in the world. A background of 20 years in the field of sustainable building and community development offered a valuable foundation and perspective on the importance of inner sustainability. In 2001, after a serious car accident, and many [...]


RFL Live: Resiliency Experience with Clark Anderson


Clark Anderson is co-founder and Executive Director of Community Builders. He has spent the last 15 years helping communities address complex land use, transportation, housing, and economic development challenges. An entrepreneur, seasoned facilitator, and bridge-builder, he’s adept at helping people find common ground through informed dialogue and meaningful public engagement. Clark helps communities create a shared vision for the future and identify the strategies and partnerships needed to get there. Clark is also a small-scale developer focused on building “missing middle” housing within his own community. Born and raised in nearby Eagle County, Clark currently lives in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, with [...]
