Shawn Gleason
Shawn is the Chief Financial Officer for The Romero Group and a 2011 graduate of the RFL Academy. He has over two decades of career experience in real estate development, management, and investment, specializing in mountain resort communities in the Rocky Mountains. Raised in the Northeast, Shawn graduated from St. Michael’s College in Burlington, Vermont with a B.S. in Accounting in 2000 when he began his accounting industry experience with KPMG in their Audit division. Shawn moved to Colorado in 2001, eventually settling in the Roaring Fork Valley. He lives in Snowmass Village with his wife, Katherine, an Aspen School District teacher, and their two daughters, ages 9 and 11. Shawn’s hobbies include snow skiing, water skiing, boating, biking, and volunteering with the Snowmass Rotary.