This application is for participation in the RFL Mastermind Group.

Please fill out the following form to begin your application process.

Once we receive your application, we will contact you to arrange for your interview.

Mastermind Application

Personal Information

Contact Info


Employer Details

Application Preferences
These questions help us determine your preferences if we are not able to accept you in the next Mastermind class.

Application Questions

Graduation Requirements

The program consists of 5 days, 3 hours each day, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, over a 5 month period. Group members who miss more than 2 sessions will be required to withdraw from the program. The integrity of the program requests that participants be present at all sessions to both learn and develop personal relationships. We also request that you respect the confidential nature of the comments and discussion made during the program and participate fully.

Tuition Requirements
Tuition is $1,495. If you were to secure this amount and level of training independently, it would cost upwards of $5,000. If selected, a $400 non-refundable deposit is due upon acceptance. Monthly payment plans may be worked out. Tuition can be paid by the applicant, their employer or by a combination of these sources.

Upon receiving your application, RFL will reach out to you within one week to schedule your RFL interview. This is part of the selection process and will be conducted via Zoom. They are conducted with the Executive Director and possibly a board members and/or alumni. These are brief, informal opportunities for us to get to know you.