RFL Alumni Spotlight: Lizz Bailey

Development Director at Roaring Fork Leadership

We are excited to introduce Lizz Bailey, an alumna of Roaring Fork Leadership (RFL) and our new Development Director. Learn more about her journey, her experience with RFL, and what she’s passionate about in her new role.

Q&A with Lizz Bailey

Q: What year did you graduate from the Roaring Fork Leadership Academy and how did your experience with RFL impact your career and personal growth?

A: I graduated from the RFL Academy in 2020, which was an incredibly impactful time to complete the program as COVID-19 shutdowns began. My experience with the Roaring Fork Leadership Academy was nothing short of transformative. Learning how to lead and live within my integrity has made me a better employee, friend, partner, and community member.  Integrity empowers us to make decisions with conviction, even in the face of challenges, because we are grounded in a strong sense of self. I’ve seen my career grow and change a great deal over the past four years – going from programmatic, one-on-one work with students to communications and development work. My personal life has grown a great deal – my husband and I got married, we bought a home, and we became parents. At the heart of the majority of those decisions were teachings I took with me from RFL about myself, communication, empathy, and integrity. It’s felt like dropping a pebble in a pond and seeing the ripples spread out.

Q: What was your most memorable moment during the RFL program?

A: It’s hard to capture the essence of the RFL Academy in just one memory. The entire program is truly unique. What stands out most for me is the connection I formed with my RFL civic impact project teammates. Each of us was fully committed to embracing what the program offered and stepping outside our comfort zones. We took on roles and challenges we wouldn’t normally face, and we made space at the end of our meetings to check in on both our personal and professional goals. It was powerful to have five people cheering you on and holding you accountable. The trust we built allowed for tough conversations, meaningful reflection, and the successful completion of a rewarding civic project.

Q: What are you most excited about in your new role as Development Director?

A: I am truly excited about the opportunity to connect with community members and enhance the valuable programs RFL already offers. For me, fundraising is not solely about generating revenue—it’s about creating a meaningful connection. When someone donates, they’re expressing their belief in the mission and their desire to see it succeed. Every donor becomes a part of the organization’s journey, contributing to its growth and impact. Their support fosters a long-lasting connection that goes beyond financial contributions. These gifts fuel nonprofit work, drive community change, and build a network of people united by a shared cause. My hope is to create lasting relationships with those who are passionate about transformative leadership across our valley.

Q: What are some of your personal passions outside of work?

A: Spending time with my family – my husband, our son, and our cat and dog – is an incredible joy in my life. We spend a lot of time on fun weekend trips. You can also find me hiking on a trail, jogging a 5k to support our local non-profits, drinking coffee in a campground, or SUPping/kayaking on a lake or river. Throughout the winter, I’ll either be strapped into my snowshoes or hanging out in the ski lodge. I might even crochet you an off-center scarf or a blanket if you’re lucky.

Q: How do you see yourself continuing to contribute to the Roaring Fork & Colorado River Valley community through your role at RFL?

A: As RFL’s Director of Development, I am committed to enhancing our community by supporting the continued growth of compassionate and respectful leaders. The challenges we face in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys demand clear communication and trust-building to find effective solutions. I view these challenges as unique opportunities to unite our community and drive positive change. By advancing RFL’s mission, I aim to support program growth and cultivate a broader network of civically engaged individuals.