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It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to RFL Mastermind 11! 

Welcome to RFL Mastermind, your five-month women’s collaborative leadership program. In RFL Mastermind, you’ll be moving through the five-months other women (facilitated by the preeminent coach & facilitator Nancy Fredericks) to support one another to stand strong, yet remain caring – Be a leader, and serve others – Ask for help, and offer help to others – Share our wisdom, and accept the wisdom of others. We believe that connecting to ourselves, and our community, is fundamental to flourishing leadership.

The agenda of RFL Mastermind belongs to YOU as we create a career – and life – that thrives today and far into the future. Together we hone our business and personal skills by challenging each other to create goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with honesty, respect, and compassion.

To confirm your participation in the program, please complete the course requirements to secure your seat.

RFL Mastermind is known to uncovers hidden patterns that keep leaders from getting the results they want and that which they are capable of.

“I had an incredible few months of mind and thinking transformation as to my own ability to break free from my patterns.” 

– Jacqueline Pettit, RFL Mastermind Alumni

“Mastermind presented opportunities for me to gain bigger breakthroughs than I had experienced before. I gained access to such amazing people and learned a great deal working with this group.”

– Erin Hutchings, RFL Academy & RFL Mastermind Alumni