
About Andrea Palm-Porter

Palm-Porter’s career trajectory is impressive, with over 25 years’ experience driving strategic growth through strong leadership and relationships. She’s has worked in a multi-million dollar media organization, retail industry, and currently in the non-profit & leadership industry as the Executive Director of Roaring Fork Leadership. She attended the University of Eau Claire in Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing – including a leadership curriculum. She is known for being able to grow revenue, be innovative, develop relationships, facilitate, define and drive product development, create awareness and execute projects with ease. A graduate and former board member of the Vail Leadership Institute, an alumnus of the American Leadership Forum, and an Alumnus of the RFL Academy, Andrea is passionate about leadership as her personal mission is building a community of leaders. As she puts it, “A community of skilled & thoughtful leaders is a thriving & innovative community.”

RFL Coach & Alumni, Mary Russell, “dares greatly’ by diving into Italian forest preschool


A former Carbondale teacher is embarking on a new adventure in Italy — teaching at a forest preschool. Mary Russell, who taught science at Carbondale Middle School from 2007 to 2011, is now living in Rapallo, Italy, and spends all day outdoors teaching eight children from ages 3-5. “A forest preschool is a school that’s focused in the outdoors,” Russell said. “It’s about connecting children to nature and spending as much time of their school day outdoors as possible. To me, the biggest advantage is helping children develop social skills and confidence.” Forest preschools have been growing in popularity since their [...]

RFL Coach & Alumni, Mary Russell, “dares greatly’ by diving into Italian forest preschool2016-03-24T15:12:41-06:00

Amber Daniel Wissing honored as 2015 Athena Young Professional


Athena Young Professional Award was handed to active community volunteer and Glenwood native Amber Daniels Wissing. (RFL Class of 2016 Participant) “I don’t know that what I do is all that special, I’m just following in my father’s footsteps and owe a lot of what I learned to him,” Vanderhoof said of his dad, Glenwood Industrial/Independent Bank founder and former mayor Don Vanderhoof. Amber Daniels Wissing recently spearheaded a new nonprofit called Project PACK (Providing a Crisis Kit), which provides backpacks full of basic essentials for children in the community who cannot go home because of violence or other circumstances. “It [...]

Amber Daniel Wissing honored as 2015 Athena Young Professional2016-02-29T11:05:14-07:00

Weekly What If’s


What are the Weekly What If’s? FREE Short practical messages designed to inspire your actions around Healthy Living and Business Practices. They are originated and produced by 23 year veteran RFCCL speaker, trainer and facilitator Greg Cortopassi. Each week we post a 2 minute sound-byte distilled from Greg’s 35 years as a professional educator. Each message is designed to stimulate your thinking to activate Healthy Living and Conscious Leadership Practices. To listen to Weekly What If's - click here.

Weekly What If’s2016-02-26T10:18:58-07:00

Grand Ave. Sweets Selects Palm-Porter as “Sweet Person”


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Grand Ave. Sweets in Glenwood Springs and the Mammoth would like to recognize Andrea Palm-Porter as the Sweet Person for the month of January. Listen now.  “It is really cool to be the Sweet Person of the Month,” Palm-Porter said. Andrea is the Executive Director of Roaring Fork Leadership and was nominated by Marianne Virgili of the Glenwood Springs Chamber and Resort Association. “I think she is an extremely exuberant leader of Roaring Fork Leadership and she makes running a non-profit look easy and I know it isn’t easy to do that job,” Virgili said about why she nominated Palm-Porter. RFL [...]

Grand Ave. Sweets Selects Palm-Porter as “Sweet Person”2016-01-18T13:21:54-07:00

RFL Alumni and Author, Evan Zislis, kicks off ClutterFree Revolution Book Tour – October 14


RFCCL (Roaring Fork Center for Community Leadership) is recognizing its alumni on October 14th, hosted by Duncan Clauss (RFL Class of 2011) at Aspen Brewing Company from 5:30P til 7P. Evan Zislis (RFL Class of 2014 and author), kicks off his book tour "ClutterFree Revolution," will be speaking and available to autograph his new print edition book. Event sponsored by: The City of Aspen, Barry Crook, Aspen Words, and Moms for Moms Communities. More about Evan & ClutterFree Revolution: Founder and Principal Consultant of Intentional Solutions, Evan Zislis helps people to simplify so they can focus on what matters most, and that [...]

RFL Alumni and Author, Evan Zislis, kicks off ClutterFree Revolution Book Tour – October 142015-10-13T21:47:20-06:00

Congratulations Dana Wood (RFL Alumni) for being elected to Rifle City Council!


Candidates elected to the council include: Annick Pruett, Joe Elliott, Ed Green, Theresa Hamilton and Dana Wood. The election could be historic in that it will be the first time in the city’s history that four women will serve on council at the same time — a point that Wood noted. “It’s an exciting day,” she said. Read more.

Congratulations Dana Wood (RFL Alumni) for being elected to Rifle City Council!2015-10-06T19:53:42-06:00

Alyssa Reindel (RFL Class of 2015) makes Motherlode Zero Waste!


 Motherlode has hired Alyssa Reindel (RFL Class of 2015 Graduate) of Evergreen Events to make sure they comply with the zero waste initiatives. “Setting this up, you are honoring the host city but also you are encouraging people to take this home with them,” said Alyssa Reindel.  “So hopefully it’s the ripple effect that spreads.” Read More from

Alyssa Reindel (RFL Class of 2015) makes Motherlode Zero Waste!2015-09-03T20:32:58-06:00

Genna Moe​, RFL Class of 2015 Graduate, new executive director of The Wyly Art Center


The Wyly Art Center in Basalt has hired Genna Moe as its new executive director, the nonprofit announced Monday. Moe replaces Kelly Alford, who has left to concentrate on her graphic-design business, at the helm of the nonprofit. Moe was selected through a national search conducted by the Wyly’s board of directors and the Aspen Leadership Group. She is leaving her post as audience services manager at the Wheeler Opera House to run the Wyly Art Center (formerly known as the Wyly Community Art Center). “It is our honor to have Genna as the Wyly’s new director,” Wyly board president Jay [...]

Genna Moe​, RFL Class of 2015 Graduate, new executive director of The Wyly Art Center2015-08-18T20:02:30-06:00

Submit your Civic Project Idea Today!


Each year the class is divided into 5-6 teams, and each team takes on a civic project. The purpose of these projects are: To provide a laboratory for participants to practice new ways of being a leader and gain insights on the impact they have on a team and other participants, and take-on person goals of leadership transformation To develop a sense of personal efficacy – “I can change things” and collective efficacy “Together, we can make a difference” To make an impact in the community Last year we worked on 5 civic projects: Aspen CORE, Habitat for Humanity RFV, Roaring [...]

Submit your Civic Project Idea Today!2015-09-03T20:55:26-06:00

Bert Myrin wins council runoff in ‘an avalanche’


by Madeleine Osberger, Special to the Aspen Daily News Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Printer-friendly version Email this Story Myrin’s 65.6 percent of vote hands Ireland his first electoral loss Bert Myrin is the newest member of Aspen City Council, after handily winning Tuesday’s runoff election with more than 65 percent of the vote. Myrin bested former mayor Mick Ireland, 1,305 to 684, according to results provided by city clerk Linda Manning. “I’m stunned by the margin,” Myrin said Tuesday night from his Hallam Street home, where he welcomed supporters and campaign workers. Myrin said his “bottom-up campaign” that painted him as [...]

Bert Myrin wins council runoff in ‘an avalanche’2015-07-14T23:35:48-06:00
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