
About Andrea Palm-Porter

Palm-Porter’s career trajectory is impressive, with over 25 years’ experience driving strategic growth through strong leadership and relationships. She’s has worked in a multi-million dollar media organization, retail industry, and currently in the non-profit & leadership industry as the Executive Director of Roaring Fork Leadership. She attended the University of Eau Claire in Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing – including a leadership curriculum. She is known for being able to grow revenue, be innovative, develop relationships, facilitate, define and drive product development, create awareness and execute projects with ease. A graduate and former board member of the Vail Leadership Institute, an alumnus of the American Leadership Forum, and an Alumnus of the RFL Academy, Andrea is passionate about leadership as her personal mission is building a community of leaders. As she puts it, “A community of skilled & thoughtful leaders is a thriving & innovative community.”

Faces of Leadership: Tom Dodd, 2016 Colorado Principal of the Year


2016 Colorado Principal of the Year and 2017 National Principal of the Year Tom went through RFL, he was the vice principal of Aspen High School. He wanted to participate in RFL to get the opportunity to be able to get to know other class members with a similar commitment to improving the Aspen community and the greater Roaring Fork Valley. He left the Roaring Fork Valley in 2005 to pursue his Ph.D. and is now the principal a Lesher Middle School in Fort Collins. Through RFL he learned that integrity, honesty, and service are the most important values of true [...]

Faces of Leadership: Tom Dodd, 2016 Colorado Principal of the Year2018-01-29T16:36:32-07:00

EverGreen ZeroWaste (owned by RFL Alumni Alyssa Reindel) named 2017 Carbondale Chamber Business of the Year


EverGreen ZeroWaste is grateful and honored to be named 2017 Carbondale Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year! Congratulations also to Carbondale Clay Center, who won Non-Profit Chamber Business of the Year, and is also a composting EverGreen ZeroWaste! An enormous thank you to all the people and businesses that have supported their cause over the years and believe in their joint efforts in composting and more progressive waste diversion. They couldn't have done it without you! #rfleadingtheway #carbondalechamberbusinessoftheyear #carbondalechamberofcommerce#wastediversion #composting #sograteful #evergreenzerowaste

EverGreen ZeroWaste (owned by RFL Alumni Alyssa Reindel) named 2017 Carbondale Chamber Business of the Year2018-01-29T16:25:15-07:00

RFL Alumni Sarah Johnson to Lead Colorado’s Environmental Education Professional Association


Johnson selected as new board president for Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education Denver, Colorado (January 23, 2018) - Sarah R. Johnson of Wild Rose Education in Carbondale, Colorado recently was selected by the nationally recognized Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education(CAEE) to serve as President of their Board of Directors. Johnson has served on the Board since 2015. CAEE is the professional association for environmental education in Colorado whose mission is to advance environmental education by fostering collaboration, mobilizing support, and driving excellence. CAEE supports over 800 environmental education providers ensuring all Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-being of all [...]

RFL Alumni Sarah Johnson to Lead Colorado’s Environmental Education Professional Association2018-01-24T08:30:57-07:00

Kevin Jordan (RFL Alumni) provides one tip a day for the entire month of January. 


January is Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month (LSSM). As a member of the LSSM Leadership Team and an ambassador for skiing and snowboarding, Kevin Jordan (RFL Alumni) posted one tip a day for the entire month of January. Kevin Jordan is an Examiner with the Professional Ski Instructors of America-Rocky Mountain Division and writes for 32 Degrees: The Journal of Snowsports Instruction and the NSAA Journal. #rflleadingtheway Check out Kevin's Facebook page and view all his tips: Kevin Jordan LSSM Tip of the Day

Kevin Jordan (RFL Alumni) provides one tip a day for the entire month of January. 2018-01-29T16:20:43-07:00

Faces of Leadership – Geneva Moore


To the Top of Mt. Kilimanjaro Geneva Moore, Class of 2008, COO, Project Sanctuary Geneva (Templeton) Moore was inspired to participate in RFL by the positive impact it had on the lives of its participants and by her noticing how much more involved its participants were in the community. After her participation in RFL, she joined the boards of Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers and the Aspen Cycling Club. She has since moved out of the valley to the Front Range but has continued her involvement by participating in local and statewide boards. Currently, she is entrenched in the non-profit world and [...]

Faces of Leadership – Geneva Moore2017-11-14T14:26:25-07:00

5028 – Making a Longtime Dream a Reality


Angilina Taylor was part of the RFL graduating class of 2016. She joined RFL not quite knowing what to expect but knowing she had some lofty goals she wanted to reach and the program sounded like just the motivation she was looking for. Being new to the valley she entered the program with a few goals in mind, to make connections with fellow classmates both socially and professionally, expand her leadership skills, find a mentor, and get that extra bit of confidence she needed to make the leap into entrepreneurship. This April she and her husband, Mike Taylor, decided to make [...]

5028 – Making a Longtime Dream a Reality2017-09-21T10:55:01-06:00

Congratulations, Dwayne Romero (RFL Class of 2000), joins the Aspen Board of Education!


Congratulations, Dwayne Romero (RFL Class of 2000), joins the Aspen Board of Education! Dwayne Romero will join the Aspen Board of Education as the fifth member in the wake of former board treasurer Bob Glah’s midterm resignation. The board came to its decision during a special board meeting Friday morning. On Thursday, the board conducted its final interview with the three prospective candidates during a Q&A panel. During the interview, Romero identified his passion for service and education as his primary motivation for wanting to serve on the school board. A graduate of both the U.S. Military Academy at West Point [...]

Congratulations, Dwayne Romero (RFL Class of 2000), joins the Aspen Board of Education!2016-06-03T14:50:57-06:00

Congratulations, Sam Meyer (RFL Class of 2014)! Promoted to Vice President


Construction firm announces promotion Article date: Mar 29 2016 Sam Meyer has been promoted to vice president of the Grand Junction office for Shaw Construction and will be responsible for the overall leadership and direction of projects in Western Colorado. Meyer previously worked as a project manager and project executive and also managed the Wyoming branch for several years. He brings to his duties experience in commercial and civic projects as well as luxury home and affordable housing construction. He holds a master’s degree in construction management from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degree from Lehigh University. Founded in 1962, Shaw Construction [...]

Congratulations, Sam Meyer (RFL Class of 2014)! Promoted to Vice President2016-05-02T11:00:02-06:00

Congratulations! Jessica Garrow (RFL Class of 2009) named City of Aspen Director of Community Development Department


City Manager Steve Barwick didn’t have to look far to find the next director of the Community Development Department. Barwick announced Tuesday the promotion of long range planner Jessica Garrow, 33, to run the department, which includes the city’s building, historic preservation, and planning and zoning offices. The position attracted 40 applicants, leading to the selection of four finalists. Two of them, however, dropped out, leaving Garrow and Sheryl Bower, director of Community Development Services for the city of Longwood, Florida, as the remaining two candidates. “We were fortunate to have finalists with excellent skills, experience and understanding of resort communities,” [...]

Congratulations! Jessica Garrow (RFL Class of 2009) named City of Aspen Director of Community Development Department2016-04-01T10:00:20-06:00

Samuel Baucum (RFL Class of 2015) is now a Principal at Bluegreen


Congratulations, Samuel Baucum (RFL Class of 2015) is now a Principal at Bluegreen. Since joining the studio in 2012, Sam’s detailed expertise and innovative design vision have contributed to the successful realization of numerous projects ranging from a high-end residential garden in Telluride to the successful remodel of Aspen’s Rubey Park Transit Center. From elegant details to technical ingenuity, Sam’s design work has, and continues to blur the boundaries of form, function, and art.

Samuel Baucum (RFL Class of 2015) is now a Principal at Bluegreen2016-03-28T07:12:54-06:00
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