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Activate What You Most Want with Resources You Already Have

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information and the lack of time to sort through it all to get to what you need and want?
  • Are you feeling confused, worried, and uneasy about the speed of change and an uncertain future?
  • Would you like to feel calmer, more energized and inspired in your life?

 What if….

  • We EXPERIENCE life from the INSIDE – OUT.
  • Our essential human nature is to seek and create EXPERIENCES.
  • What we desire most already LIVES and is AVAILABLE within us.

 The primary focus of this INTERACTIVE session is to Identify, Connect with and Activate the EXPERIENCE you most want in your life, regardless of the situation you are currently having.

Through a series of personal explorations and interactions with other participants, you will explore what it is like to Activate and Manifest what you most want from the INSIDE – OUT.

Please come prepared with the TOP 1 to 3 things you want in your life and why you want them.

Facilitator: Greg Cortopassi has been the opening and closing trainer for RFL (Roaring Fork Leadership) for the last 26 years. Through his extensive experience as an experience-based educator, facilitator along with personal development for over 40 years, he has earned the reputation for being a highly effective Personal and Organizational Catalyst. For more information on Greg’s services visit SoulFull Living Institute.  And if you could use some peaceful, restorative visuals, check out his unique Nature Photography at CortoImages.