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Join RFL and Dr. Heidi Brinkman as she shares the three C’s – Control, Commitment, and Challenge of the Hardiness Resilience Gauge™ (HRG). The three C’s of Hardiness represent the key qualities that people high in hardiness possess. They believe they have control over the events they experience. They commit to seeing the world as meaningful and interesting, and they view challenges and change as growth opportunities. The HRG is grounded in over 30 years of research. Join RFL and Dr. Brinkman in learning these skills to being more hardy.

Dr. Heidi S. Brinkman is a Consultant and Facilitator with Brinkman Consulting Inc, specializing in individual, team and organizational effectiveness. She is former Academic Director of Leadership Programs for The Institute of Executive and Professional Development, Daniels College of Business. Heidi was a Clinical Professor/Lecturer in the department of management at Daniels for 15 years. Her work centers on research, assessment, training, coaching and development with subject matter expertise in interpersonal and organizational communication, conflict resolution, leadership and teambuilding.

Dr. Brinkman also serves as a development coach in these areas, focusing on interpersonal communication skills and emotional intelligence competencies.